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Steele Trap (Original title)
Dates: 1982 (Copyright), 10 December 1982 (Television)

Country: USA

Director: Sidney Hayers, Robert Butler, Jeff Bleckner, Stan Lathan, Thomas Carter, Burt Brinckerhoff, Seymour Robbie, Nick Havinga

Synopsis: Detective series. Laura Holt sets up a detective agency, only to find that many clients prefer male detectives. She invents a male boss named Remington Steele , but one day a man claiming to be Remington Steele turns up...

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 10 December 1982Country: USA - Colour
Date: 11 April 1984not specified
Date: August 1994Broadcast channel: BBC1Country: United KingdomTransmission time: 11:05-11:55Slot duration: 50 mins

Credits (12)
Production Company: MTM Enterprises, Executive Producer: Michael Gleason, Producer: Glenn Gordon Caron, Producer: Gareth Davies
Cast (3)
Paul Hecht (Feldman), Pierce Brosnan (Remington Steele), Stephanie Zimbalist (Laura Holt)
Articles held in BFI Reuben Library (5)
In: The Hollywood Reporter v289 n25 8 Nov 1985  Page: 13
Title: [The Hollywood Reporter - v289 n25 8 Nov 1985: no known title]Article type: ReviewLanguage: English
Description: Review of "Grappling Steele" episode tx. 29/10/85 (USA).

In: The Hollywood Reporter v278 n44 3 Oct 1983  Page: 18
Title: [The Hollywood Reporter - v278 n44 3 Oct 1983: no known title]Language: English

In: Broadcast 23 Sep 1983  Page: 27
Title: [Broadcast - 23 Sep 1983: no known title]Language: English

In: City Limits n101 9 Sep 1983  Page: 62
Title: [City Limits - n101 9 Sep 1983: no known title]Language: English

In: Stills n9 Nov-Dec 1983  Pages: 18-19
Title: [Stills - n9 Nov-Dec 1983: no known title]Article type: InterviewLanguage: English
Description: Interview with director, Robert Butler.